360 Multi Academy Trust Licences
360 Degree Safe has supported over 13,000 schools in England with their online safety reviews for over 10 years. An award-winning tool that is free to use, 360 has allowed schools to improve their online safety policy and practice in an accessible and measured way.
With many schools now being part of a Multi Academy Trust, we believe it is important to provide MATs with a toolkit that will allow them to monitor the quality of the online safety provision across the MAT and at individual academies.
Multi Academy Trusts may wish to purchase a 360 MAT Licence. This allows senior leaders in a Trust to oversee the reviews of all the academies in the Trust, produce reports of the individual progress of each academy against the tool benchmarks and produce collated reports comparing each academy's progress against national benchmarks and MAT averages.
Features of the 360 MAT Licence
360 for Multi Academy Trusts gives an essential overview of the quality of online safety provision across the MAT as well as at individual academies. The toolkit presents data across a number of different aspects, highlighting where strengths and areas for development lie and guiding academies towards progress and improvement. 360 for Multi Academy Trusts allows leadership teams to:
- Track and monitor online safety performance across all academies
- Identify weaknesses/ gaps in online safety provision
- Identify where strengths are established
- Drive towards improvement and beneficial change
- Build an effective long term online safety strategy
- Identify which schools are active and engaged in reviewing and improving their online safety provision
For more information and to purchase a 360 MAT Licence please visit: 360 for MATs
Please use the "contact us" form if you require further information or clarification.